Featured Tea

Jin Mudan - Golden Peony

- A Fruity, Floral Black Tea -

This is a unique tea for lovers of black and oolong tea alike! It is the delightful result of an oolong cultivar from Fujian, grown in Hunan Province and processed as a black tea. It brews up a light gold body and features a distinctly nutty flavor with notes of honey and sweet hay. Exceptionally floral, it features subtle maltiness of a tippy black tea, while fruity notes of peach and fragrance of plumeria grace the finish. 

Teas by Region

Get your own Tea Flavor Wheel!

The Tea Flavor Wheelwas designed for Teahouse Kuan Yin in 2009 for identifying and characterizing some of the most common aromas and flavors in tea*. Slowly smell and taste the tea, and for each aroma and flavor that you discern, start with the general category in the inner ring, then move outward until you identify an analogous aroma or flavor in the outer ring. Each Tea Flavor Wheel is a 5 mil laminated, 8.5"x11", high-quality print designed to last.

We offer the beautiful, the exceptional, and the satisfying experience of pure tea coming from across the globe to your cup. Reach out by email with questions or comments about tea!

Happy sipping 🍵